Since 1982, Fr. Vazken has held weekly Bible studies under the name "Questions in Faith." These are prayers offered by participants from our latest sessions (post-pandemic). From the depths of our hearts comes this dialogue with God.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Entering into Lent
Jesus, God our Father, out of His love for us gave us You, so we may know Him more fully.
You have always loved us, and have known the most elated realm of our most joyful dreams. You also have known the darkest corners of our lowest of low moments.
You know us as Your beloved…
As we enter this season of Lent let us embrace the solid foundation of our Christian identity. During this journey as we PRACTICE repentance, having mercy and focusing on Your light, let our eyes be open to see the endless love You have for each of us.
May our hearts feel the assurance of Your deep and unwavering FAITH in us.
Let our relationship with You, be in focus, beyond this season of discipline, by practicing love and compassion with each new day throughout the year.
Lord grant us strength in faith and faith in action. Especially with all that is happening in the world today, let our faith guide us in all things.
Have mercy upon Your creatures and upon me, a great sinner.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
My prayer tonight
1/30/2023 offered by Siran Kassabian
My prayer tonight....
Almighty Lord ,give us true faith and make that faith grow in us day by day.
May we serve you according to your will .
At times we feel weak.
Father in Heaven,fill us with your light and love and may it shine continually regardless of our feelings and behaviour,so that we may walk as you have planned to live our lives to your glory.
Lord you know those things in our hearts. We ask for your understanding and patience .
We trust your in all times.
With a grateful heart ,we praise you for your goodness and love.
In the Name of Jesus .Amen 🙏
Christmas Wish
12/18/23 - offered by Fr. Vazken A Christmas wish for you and our world… May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the per...
11/6/2023 Silva's parole board hearing is tomorrow morning. She has been in prison since 2008 Heavenly Father, Lord our God, we come to ...
7/18/22 offered by Susan Movsesian Prayer for Travel Lord Jesus, you traveled and ventured with two disciples to Emmaus after the resurrect...
08/22/2022 offered by Kathy Markarian Dear Lord, Give me the ability to trust you with all my heart, so my intentions and choices are truly ...